Setup for Generic Teachable Dog (#9239).

Object setup.

Object name:Generic Teachable Dog
Location:Myra (#8045)
Parent:Generic Active Object (#7783)
Owner:Floyd (#7788)
This is the Generic Teachable Dog. It can be petted or patted. You can also 'tell' it to do things, as in 'tell dog to speak'. To see the commands the dog has been taught, type: commands dogname Note: Just as in the physical world, some folks won't appreciate you bringing your pet into their space without asking first. For example, a noisy pet can cause confusion to those who are new to MOOing- as well as cause disruption in some situations. For more help on this pet, type: help #9239 - Ported to GR with permission of Miles/Kyster@Lambda.

Physical setup.

Anchor: unanchored
Key/lock: unreadable

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