Setup for The Telnet Interface (#23).

Object setup.

Object name:The Telnet Interface
Location:The Warehouse [MI] (#3785)
Parent:Generic Thing (#5)
Owner:Slacker (#55)
This world is Pueblo 2.01 enhanced. 88b d88 ,ad888ba, ,ad888ba, 888b d888 d8"' `"8b d8"' `"8b 88`8b d8'88 d8' `8b d8' `8b 88 `8b d8' 88 88 88 88 88 88 `888' 88 88 88 88 88 88 `8' 88 Y8, ,8P Y8, ,8P 88 88 Y8a. .a8P Y8a. .a8P 88 88 `"Y888Y"' `"Y888Y"' Canada, Eh? If you have a player, type: | connect [name] | | Web: If you want to visit, type: | Email: connect guest | Telnet: 7777 | To make a new player, type: | request |

Physical setup.

Anchor: The Warehouse [MI] (#3785)
Key/lock: unreadable

Update and repair this object.

Check this object's web page with the W3 HTML 4.0 validator.

Destroy this object utterly and irretrievably.

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