Examining The Telnet Interface (#23)

Owned by Slacker.
Location The Warehouse [MI].
Child of Generic Thing (#5) [Examine].
Has no children.
Has no contents.

42 properties on The Telnet Interface (#23) [Examine]
.blank_commandSlacker (#55)rc"help"
.bogus_commandSlacker (#55)rc"quack"
.msg_yellowlistedSlacker (#55)rc"Sorry, the MOO is not ready at the moment..."
.msg_oyellowlistedSlacker (#55)rc"You hear someone banging at the MOO gates..."
.msg_blacklistedSlacker (#55)rc"Sorry, we can't accept guest connections from your site."
.msg_oblacklistedSlacker (#55)rc"You hear a guest being turned away..."
.msg_outtaguestsSlacker (#55)rc{"Sorry, we have no more guest characters.", "Please try again in a few minutes!"}
.msg_oouttaguestsSlacker (#55)rc"You hear a guest being turned away..."
.msg_onewt_loginSlacker (#55)rc"%1 the newt blinks."
.msg_ologinSlacker (#55)rc"%T makes a whirring noise."
.msg_oredlistedSlacker (#55)rc"You hear someone banging at the MOO gates..."
.max_player_nameSlacker (#55)rc20
.registration_addressSlacker (#55)rc"wizzen@lists.moo.ca"
.msg_request_okSlacker (#55)rc{"Request completed; %1 (#%1~#) created.", "Sending password via e-mail..."}
.msg_request_email_okSlacker (#55)rc{"Email sent off to %1 successfully.", "Check you mail, it has probably already arrived.", "If you do not receive it within an hour, http://www.moo.ca/feedback"}
.msg_request_email_bombSlacker (#55)rc{"Couldn't send mail to %1: %2!", "Please use http://www.moo.ca/feedback inform us about the MOO identity you want."}
.msg_bad_playerSlacker (#55)rc"%1 doesn't exist on this MOO."
.msg_bad_passwordSlacker (#55)rc"%1 has a different password."
.creatingSlacker (#55)rc0
.cookie_jarSlacker (#55)rc{{#59, #-101291, "XHX6A8zoUBCxQ"}, {#2570, #-428882, "FPCkrd5ia1ZgI"}, {#2570, #-429637, "42JO8NnskUlik"}}
.msg_IPlistedDax (#789)"Sorry, you are not allowed to connect from that site (%1)."
.total_dataSlacker (#55)rc68238272
.locked_out_msgSlacker (#55)rc""
.output_rendering_objectSlacker (#55)rc#281
.telnet_capsSlacker (#55)rc{"", "ECHO", "", "SUPPRESS-GO-AHEAD", "", "STATUS", "DO-TIMING-MARK", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "TERMINAL-TYPE", "", "", "OUTMRK", "", "", "", "NAWS", "TERMINAL-SPEED", "TOGGLE-FLOW-CONTROL", "LINEMODE", "X-DIS...
.WILLSlacker (#55)rc{"SUPPRESS-GO-AHEAD"}
.DONTSlacker (#55)rc{"ECHO"}
.msg_help_htmlSlacker (#55)rc{"Current options:", "<UL>", "<LI> <A xch_cmd=\"connect\">connect</A></LI>", "<LI> <A xch_cmd=\"request\">request</A></LI>", "<LI> <A xch_cmd=\"who\">who</A></LI>", "<LI> <A xch_cmd=\"help\">help</A></LI>", "<LI> <A xch_cmd=\"quit\">quit</A></LI>"...
.idle_bootSlacker (#55)rc3600
.idle_exemptSlacker (#55)rc{#4290}

View the inherited properties.

42 verbs on The Telnet Interface (#23) [Examine]
:parse_commandSlacker (#55)rx  this none this
:? help info*rmation @helpSlacker (#55)rx  any none any
:co*nnect ac*cedeSlacker (#55)rx  any none any
:notify notify_suspendedSlacker (#55)rx  this none this
:do_authorize do_authoriseSlacker (#55)rx  this none this
:log_crackerSlacker (#55)rx  this none this
:redlist_add blacklist_add graylist_add yellowlist_add purplelist_addSlacker (#55)rx  this none this
:redlist_remove blacklist_remove graylist_remove yellowlist_remove purplelist_removeSlacker (#55)rx  this none this
:redlisted blacklisted graylisted yellowlisted purplelisted IPlistedSlacker (#55)rx  this none this
:listnameSlacker (#55)rx  this none this
:yellow_exemptSlacker (#55)rx  this none this
:who @who where @where ou @ouSlacker (#55)rx  any none any
:q*uit @quit logout exit bye xSlacker (#55)rx  any none any
:req*uestSlacker (#55)rx  any none any
:new_blacklistSlacker (#55)rx  this none this
:reload_jabberSlacker (#55)rx  this none this
:check_jabberSlacker (#55)rx  this none this
:boot_idlesDax (#789)rx  this none this
:promptDax (#789)rx  this none this
:PUEBLOCLIENTSlacker (#55)rx  any none any
:connect(old)Slacker (#55)r   any none any
:get_connection_infoSlacker (#55)rx  this none this
:set_connection_infoSlacker (#55)rx  this none this
:_kickSlacker (#55)rx  this none this
:do_login_commandSlacker (#55)rx  this none this
:do_login_command(backup)Slacker (#55)rx  this none this
:do_null_commandSlacker (#55)rx  this none this
:update_user_infoCecil (#7407)rx  this none this
:user_created user_connectedSlacker (#55)rx  this none this
:user_disconnected user_client_disconnectedSlacker (#55)rx  this none this
:do_commandSlacker (#55)rx  this none this
:handle_uncaught_error h_u_e handle_task_timeoutSlacker (#55)rx  this none this
:linelen*gthSlacker (#55)rx  this none this
:tellSlacker (#55)rx  this none this
:user_reconnectedSlacker (#55)rx  this none this
:descriptionHacker (#60)rx  this none this
:msg_*Hacker (#60)rx  this none this
:do_out_of_band_commandLao-Tzu (#8084)rx  this none this
:my_match_objectSlacker (#55)rx  this none this
:~FF*Slacker (#55)rx  any none any
:tell_www_bodyDax (#789)rx  this none this
:VIP-connectDax (#789)rx  any none any

View the inherited verbs.

6 files on The Telnet Interface (#23) [Examine]

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