[Candice the M.I.B. - MOOer In Black!]

The Wizzen

The Wizzen is the admistration body of Moo Canada. They build the Moo, keep it running, and do their best to keep its users happy. They have the power to do anything, and are ultimately responsible for the Moo. This is who they are:

Myra (snoring, LOUDLY)

Guardian [Last disconnected: Thu Jan 23 18:01:45 2025 MST]
[No comment]


Wizard [Last disconnected: Sun Dec 8 14:08:17 2024 MST]
[No comment]


Guardian [Last disconnected: Wed Nov 30 11:27:06 2022 MST]
Writes a lot of code, and in the process generates lots of complaints about things that are broken in one way or another. Somtimes he even writes up fixed versions to be "cooked" by a wizard. He's also the second-oldest active player on the MOO - only killeen and Slacker are older.


Wizard [Last disconnected: Mon Jul 18 20:04:51 2022 MDT]
A squirrel. No, really, just look at me!


Wizard [Last disconnected: Wed Jul 21 23:24:27 2021 MDT]
The ServerWiz. Known for implementing gigantic fixes for tiny bugs and tiny fixes for gigantic bugs, not to mention a distinct love of blowing things up. (And yes, he's the ServerWiz. No, we don't understand how this happened, either.) He is never bitter, deceptive or petty. We swear!


Wizard [Last disconnected: Wed Aug 16 06:55:21 2017 MDT]
Wizard in Scotland. When he's not online, he is chasing wild haggis across the glens and lochs.

To contact the Wizzen, use the Feedback Form.

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