The Emporium (First Floor) [DT] (#6060)

This floor of the Emporium contains shelves and shelves of generic core objects that you can make children of. The instructions show you how to do it.
You can go back 'out' to visit the other floors of the Emporium.

Error encountered; please report this error to a wizard.

Error was: E_VERBNF (Verb not found); value: 0

#6060:tell_www_contents #55#6060#77546
#1606:tell_www_body #60#6060#775414
#2:tell_www_page #789#6060#775413
#80:serve_page #789#80#775442
#81:do_GET #55#7754#775412
#81:do_null_command #55#7754#77549
#80:do_null_command #789#80#77541

You can cut-and-paste the following:

#6060:tell_www_contents (this == #6060), line 6: Verb not found
... called from #1606:tell_www_body (this == #6060), line 14
... called from #2:tell_www_page (this == #6060), line 13
... called from #80:serve_page (this == #80), line 42
... called from #81:do_GET (this == #7754), line 12
... called from #81:do_null_command (this == #7754), line 9
... called from #80:do_null_command (this == #80), line 1
(end of traceback)