MSP Sample Pages

All the arguments being passed to a web page.

  1. The first element is the object number.
    The this variable is #9844.
  2. Next we have any additional non-CGI arguments.
    The prepstr variable is "".
  3. The last part of the URL is the CGI 'get' type arguments.
    The dobjstr variable is "".
    The dobj variable {}.
  4. Finally there are the 'post' type arguments which are the result of many forms.
    The iobjstr variable is "".
    The iobj variable {}.
One rarely needs to access dobjstr/dobj/iobjstr/iobj directly. $www:parse_GET(<name>) and $www:parse_POST(<name>) are the easiest ways to retrieve 'get' and 'post' data. See the other MSP demo pages for examples.

Here are three URLs to try:
A hard-coded URL: /9844/abc/def?age=24&name=John%20Doe
A 'get' type form:
A 'post' type form:

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