Ottawa MOO Picnic 2002
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???, Tuvok and Mandos inspect the enigma that is MadHatter. Cecil phones a friend.
???, Tuvok, Drag, Avocado, Raptor, Claudia and Cecil let down their guard. Catspaw, Mandos and JS conspire in the background.
Velusip plays some music to his audience: Chrissy, Claudia, Cecil, ??? in front; Meggi, Raptor and whiz sitting at the table. manta appears to be juggling in the background.
??? plays a tune for Raptor, Claudia, Cecil and ???.
Front row: whiz (holding MadHatter's avatar), Dax (with Odo's bucket), Killeen. Standing: manta, Lao-Tzu, Cecil, JS, Raptor, Quadir. This many Wizzen in one spot exceeded critical mass.
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