34 properties on Lao-Tzu (#8084) [Examine]
Name | Owner | Mods | Data |
.msg_to | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | "You say to %3, \"%4\"" |
.msg_oto | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | "%N says to %3, \"%4\"" |
.msg_ito | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | "%N says to you, \"%4\"" |
.real_bday | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | 397414800 |
.sig_msgs | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | {{" If the opposite of 'pro' is 'con', what's the opposite of progress?"}, {" Budget: A method for going broke methodically."}, {" Nobody conforms anymore, it's not the thing to do."}, {" Microsoft will without a doubt make sure it works best on", "win... |
.beeping_task | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | r | 0 |
.afk | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | 0 |
.refuse_page | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | 0 |
.idle_time | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | 300 |
.last_phone_check | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | 1007131300 |
.smily_say | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | {{"smile", {":)", "(:"}}, {"frown", {":(", "):"}}, {"wink", {";)", "(;"}}} |
.peak | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | 0 |
.blah | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | {348270, 3} |
.mail_expiring | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | 604800 |
.taoism | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | {"Lao Tzu taught that all straining, all striving are not only vain but counterproductive. One should endeavor to do nothing (wu-wei). But what does this mean? It means not to literally do nothing, but to discern and follow the natural forces -- to fol... |
.picnic_time | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | {{#789, 933908000}, {#3135, 933908557}, {#9579, 933910425}, {#562, 933910636}, {#8084, 933910904}, {#7214, 933911818}, {#2285, 933912089}, {#7153, 933915685}, {#3523, 933947247}, {#-2136, 933952734}, {#987, 933956911}, {#2444, 933971678}, {#9231, 93397... |
.cell_num | unreadable | ||
.icq | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | 8633829 |
.store | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | "" |
.test | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | 0 |
.public_key_id | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | {"laotzu@pobox.com", "0x2459092A"} |
.imap_rfc | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | 2060 |
.home_num | unreadable | ||
.eterm_command | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | "Eterm --geometry=164x54+1024+0 -b black -f gray80 -l --borderless" |
.brads_number | unreadable | ||
.utf-8-1 | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | "\"~CE~BA~E1~BD~B9~CF~83~CE~BC~CE~B5\"~0D~0A" |
.utf-8-2 | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | "\"~C2~80\"~0D~0A" |
.utf-8-3 | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | "\"~E2~95~91~0A~20~20~E2~95~91~20~20\"~0D~0A" |
.utf-8-4 | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | "\"~51~75~69~7A~64~65~6C~74~61~67~65~72~6E~65~20~73~70~69~73~74~65~20~6a~6f~72~64~62~c3~a6~72~20~6D~65~64~20~66~6c~c3~b8~64~65~2c~20~6d~65~6E~73~20~63~69~72~6b~75~73~6b~6c~6f~76~6e~65~6e~20~57~6f~6c~74~68~65~72~20~73~70~69~6c~6c~65~64~65~20~70~c3~a5~20... |
.utf-8-5 | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | "\"~e3~81~84~e3~82~8d~e3~81~af~e3~81~ab~e3~81~bb~e3~81~b8~e3~81~a8~e3~81~a1~e3~82~8a~e3~81~ac~e3~82~8b~e3~82~92~e3~82~8f~e3~81~8b~e3~82~88~e3~81~9f~e3~82~8c~e3~81~9d~e3~81~a4~e3~81~ad~e3~81~aa~e3~82~89~e3~82~80~e3~81~86~e3~82~90~e3~81~ae~e3~81~8a~e3~81... |
.colin_phone | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | "685-5389" |
.passwords | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | {"-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----", "Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)", "Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org", "", "hQIOAxsDAbmncGVyEAf+MFq7WK+HWzYJjBAH6nyezvFFO5wEOKWMo6d2l0xT3V2H", "aX9KP8riV4wu7KsmDpdS3gVMfS67CperxiXiExsHsqCV/oqtQgpqObHD0CdOJizp... |
.dyd_pwd | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | "G9A62BV" |
.enix | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rc | " (898) 790-7529 " |
62 verbs on Lao-Tzu (#8084) [Examine]
Name | Owner | Mods | Args |
:sig | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:msg_page_echo | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:title | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:@refuse-page | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | r | none for/about any |
:receive_page | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:phone_time | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:_confunc | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:say | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | r | any any any |
:@destroy | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | r | none none none |
:receive_message | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:_destroy_catch | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:record_page | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:finger_player | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:_say_idle | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:_say_conn | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:_say_nn | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:_say_eval | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:@addu | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | r | none none none |
:distance | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:probe | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | r | none none none |
:www_desc*ription | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:_kick | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:cratings | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:@killgnat | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | r | none none none |
:look_self | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:@convert-speed | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | r | any at/to any |
:do_command | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:xml_tell | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:xml_web_tell | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:text_msg | unreadable | ||
:check_mem | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:16bit_to_8bit | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | none none none |
:_say_repeat | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:encryptA | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:decryptA | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:encryptB | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:Stats | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:@@make-MOO-core | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | r | none none none |
:jabber | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:bleh | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none none |
:avg | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | none none none |
:spheres | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | r | none none none |
:do_out_of_band_command | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | rx | this none this |
:tellColumns*_suspended | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | r | this none this |
:convert*-sig-choices | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | r | none none none |
:@create-card | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | r | any none none |
:@cards | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | r | none none none |
:@up | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | r | any none none |
:@down | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | r | any none none |
:@-d | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | r | none none none |
:@thread | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | r | any any any |
:do_tree | Hacker (#60) | rx | this none this |
:@ignore | Hacker (#60) | r | any any any |
:convert_ucs_to_utf | Hacker (#60) | rx | this none this |
:x-clear | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | r | any none none |
:x-list | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | r | none none none |
:x-grep | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | r | any on top of/on/onto/upon any |
:x-dump | Lao-Tzu (#8084) | r | any on top of/on/onto/upon any |
:dump_primitive | Slacker (#55) | rx | this none this |
:buildDOM | Hacker (#60) | rx | this none this |
:to_klingon | Hacker (#60) | rx | this none this |
:@halflife | Hacker (#60) | r | none none none |
29 files on Lao-Tzu (#8084) [Examine]
Name | Size | Access | URL |
compose1.gif | 1021 | public | Download |
servers.jpg | 245774 | public | Download |
smallalt.jpg | 263649 | public | Download |
bigalt.jpg | 503581 | public | Download |
test.html | 460 | public | Download |
fdf.png | 235536 | public | Download |
laoarea.jpg | 135499 | public | Download |
familyarea.jpg | 120830 | public | Download |
squirrelhead2.jpg | 8687 | public | Download |
new@check | 1699 | public | Download |
blah.jpg | 22510 | public | Download |
ghost | 28018 | public | Download |
sigs.txt | 11925 | public | Download |
all_connect_places | 1270 | private | |
@summon | 795 | public | Download |
myra-name.gif | 3986 | public | Download |
ed209.jpg | 49424 | public | Download |
help_example.xml | 1085 | public | Download |
data.csv | 4802 | public | Download |
travel.log | 0 | public | Download |
xwd.jpg | 128739 | public | Download |
messages.xml | 1799 | public | Download |
readme.htm | 29029 | public | Download |
20k.jpg | 97626 | public | Download |
desc | 461 | public | Download |
test.ppm | 253 | public | Download |
michele-name.gif | 8034 | public | Download |
traitor.png | 174857 | public | Download |
lao.jpg | 20083 | public | Download |